NPR is determined by a combination of Grade Level and Norming Period when setting up a test event. To ensure you get NPR's for the students the correct assignment must be made BEFORE any student begins testing.
As stated in our product guide page 24 (link below):
The availability of National Percentile Ranks (NPR) may be an important consideration when choosing which test level(s) to use. Due to the test blueprint and subtest design for early grades K and 1, NPR scores are not available for certain combinations of test levels and testing seasons.
- Fall norms are not available for Kindergarten.
- Kindergarten norms are available beginning in midyear (December 1) with Level 5. Midyear K norms are not available when testing with Level 6.
- Spring norms for Kindergarten are available for both Levels 5 and 6.
- Norms for fall of grade 1 are not available with Level 7. Test with Level 6 in fall of grade 1 to receive NPR scores.
- Norms for Level 7 begin in midyear of grade 1.