If the system doesn’t recognize an examinee’s full name when creating a report, follow these troubleshooting steps to resolve the issue.

  1. Avoid Typing the Full Name

    • Do not type the examinee’s full name into the “Create Report Name” field.

    • Entering the full name will result in an error.

  2. Type Only the First or Last Name

    • Enter just the first name or last name of the examinee.

    • Riverside Score will automatically fill in the rest of the name.

  3. Select the Correct Name

    • Click on the examinee’s name from the dropdown list that appears.

    • The name will automatically populate in the field, and the Test Record will appear as well.

Tips for Avoiding Errors

  • Use partial names instead of full names to prevent search errors.

  • Ensure the name is spelled correctly for the system to recognize it.

  • If the examinee’s name still doesn’t appear, verify their information in the system database.