
 Test sessions for grades K - 2 can be audio or proctor-led. 
  • Levels 5/6–8 of the Cognitive Abilities Tests™ are designed to measure how well, rather than how rapidly, students solve reasoning problems. For this reason, the subtests are not timed.  
    • Grade 3 and above allows you to use audio or proctor-led. However, in Proctor Led mode, once the student passes the practice questions they will progress through the rest of the test at their own pace (CogAT only). 
  •  Levels 9–17/18 of the Cognitive Abilities Tests™ are timed at 10 minutes each. There should be sufficient time for most students to attempt to answer every question. The questions in the subtests show how well students use their reasoning skills to solve problems they have not been directly taught.   


Test sessions for grade K - 2 can be Audio or Proctor-Led.
  • Lower Level (5-7/8) proctor-led and Audio sessions are not timed. Test sessions for grades 3 - 12 are self-paced sessions. 
  • Except when testing Level 9 students in Word Analysis and Listening. It is Proctor Led Only
  • Higher level (9 - 17/18) self-paced sessions are timed. Each test will be timed differently. 

It is up to the Proctor to become familiar with the Directions of Administration for the appropriate level and tests. The Directions for Administration can found in the Resources page.